UX Feedback Template

Get your free UX review template

Setting up a default way of asking feedback will help you get better UX feedback in less time. Download our free template now to help you get started with receiving better UX feedback.

Get the free UX review template

Get better UX feedback with the tips, tricks, and examples in this free template.

Valuable feedback is important

It is an important part of UX design. To improve the work you do you need to be able to give and receive feedback. Receiving valuable feedback is for a very large part up to you.

More often than not designers ask feedback without providing context. This causes the feedback to be vague or irrelevant to the designer who’s been asking for feedback. This does not help you move forward.

Here's what's inside.

1. The UX feedback template

2. Tips & tricks

3. Examples

Here's how you can give and receive valuable feedback

You have to ask the right question to get the right answer that will ultimately help you forward. Easier said than done. Here’s how you can give and receive good UX feedback.

Provide context

Since you’ve been working on your design project for some time you know exactly what the project is about. You know what your stakeholders want, who the users are, and the restrictions you’re facing.

The people you’re asking for feedback do not have this context. By providing the context you enable them to give UX feedback while keeping in mind the information you see as a given.